How to Put In and Remove Contact Lenses

Aleksandra Sonecka 07/12/2013 0

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Nothing is worse than having a contact slide under your eyelid. OK, there are worse things. But this is one you easily can avoid.

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Step 1: Find well-lit mirror
Find a well-lit room with a sink and mirror.

Close the drain so that if you drop your contact lens, it won’t be washed away.

Step 2: Wash your hands
Wash your hands with unscented soap. Oils and dirt can not only damage your lenses, but could cause eye infections.

Always put your contact lens in before applying makeup.

Step 3: Wet the lens
Using your index finger and thumb, pick up one of the lenses and moisturize it with some contact lens wetting solution.

Step 4: Position lens
Hold the lens on the tip of your index finger the way it will go into your eye —bowl shaped, with the „cup” facing up.

Make sure the lens isn’t inside out: If it’s a perfect „U” it’s fine; if the edges flare out, it needs to be flipped.

Step 5: Hold eyelid
With one hand, hold the upper eyelid up and the lower lid down.

Step 6: Look up
Look forward or up slightly and gently place the lens on the white part of your eyeball.

Step 7: Blink
Blink and look around with your eye to rotate the lens into its proper place. Confirm this by looking in the mirror.

Step 8: Repeat
Repeat the process with the other eye.

Step 9: Wet lens case
When you’re ready to remove lenses, put a few drops of contact lens solution into your contact lens case.

Step 10: Hold down eyelid
Looking in the mirror, hold down the lower eyelid of one eye.

Step 11: Pinch lens
Using an index finger and thumb, gently move the lens to the whites of your eyes, then gently pinch the contact lens and pull it away from your eye.

If you’re having trouble removing a contact lens, consider using a „plunger.” You can get one from your eye doctor.

Step 12: Store lens
Immediately place the lens into the side of the case that corresponds to the eye from which you removed the lens.

Make sure the lens is completely open and not folded onto itself.

Step 13: Add solution
Do the same with the other eye, then add more solution to the case and close it securely.

Did You Know?
It’s impossible to „lose” a contact lens in the back of your eyeball because of a membrane that connects your eye to the back of your eyelid.

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