I had Contact Lenses Implanted in my Eyes

Aleksandra Sonecka 07/12/2013 0

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http://www.clearvieweyes.com – 858.452.3937

Implantable contact lenses, also called phakic intraocular lens implants because they are implanted without removing your eyes natural lens, can resemble regular contact lenses or crescent-shaped segments in shape. They can be used to effectively treat nearsightedness and are currently being developed to treat farsightedness

Depending on the specific lens and extent of vision correction you need, the implantable lenses can be surgically placed between the cornea and the iris, or just behind the iris. Regardless of their placement, they work by properly adjusting the way that light reflects back to the retina and can improve vision up to 20/20.

The benefits of Verisyse lenses include that:
Patients who dont qualify for Custom LASIK due to a high prescription or for other medical reasons can still achieve surgical vision correction.
An FDA study concluded that 95% of 662 patients who received Verisyse implants improved their vision to 20/40 or better.
Patients have reduced dependency on wearing prescription contacts or glasses.
The procedure is completely reversible.

Sandy T. Feldman, M.D., M.S. :: ClearView Eye and Laser Medical Center
6255 Lusk Blvd., Suite 100 :: San Diego, California 92121
Shes the Surgeon to See

Video produced by Spore Medical,

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